9 2024
I've been having a lot of vivid dreams lately, and many of them
are showing me areas in my life where I’m giving my energy away.
At first I thought that the dreams were disempowering because I
was meek and submissive or feeling dominated, but when I
reflected more carefully on the scenarios being presented to me,
I realized that they were giving me important messages about
people who I have a connections to, and boundaries that need to
be set.
I’ve also been connecting to the moon again, really beautifully,
and I asked that my menses go back to being in sync with the new
moon, as it got a little bit out of whack during all of my
travels. It seems to be working, as I haven’t started bleeding
And speaking of menstruation, I just started re-reading Carrie
and I’m reminded of what an incredible author Stephen King is.
It still blows my mind that he threw the original manuscript in
the garbage and his wife fished it out and convinced him to
continue with the story. It’s so disturbing in the beginning of
the book when Carrie starts bleeding in the shower room and
thinks she’s dying and the other girls are yelling “Plug it up,
plug it up!” and throwing tampons at her.
I think I was about 9 years old when I first read this book, and
I turned into a huge Stephen King fan and would read many of his
other books over the years: Christine, The Stand, The Gunslinger
series, Different Seasons, Night Shift, Dolores Clairborne, Pet
The character in the book is physically completely different
from Sissy Spacek, who ended up playing Carrie in the film
adaptation. Though the film is brilliant and stands on it’s own
as a dark and beautiful piece of artwork, and Brian de Palma is
one of my favourite film directors.
Solitude begets fortitude, in my case at least. Though I do have
my feline friend here to keep me company, and I’ve been
reconnecting with some old friends online, which has been great.
It’s nice to still have connections with people who I’ve known
for over 20 years, even if they’re far away and I may never see
them again.
I’ve also been working through my feelings of fatigue and burn
out since following the situation in Gaza for 2.5 months,
watching what’s really going on on the ground, and then
following up with letters, phone calls, rallys and conversations
with people who only know what they're presented with through
the mainstream media. I’ve questioned my own involvement and
perspectives many times and make sure to read the perspective of
Zionists and pro-Israelites so I can understand where they're
coming from. Yet as I peel away the layers of lies, my position
has only grown stronger. It doesn’t mean that I support Hamas,
because I don’t at all. But I know that anarchists, feminists,
queers and neurodivergents in Palestine will have a better time
when they’re free from American / Western endorsed Israeli
aggression. I also recognize that a lot of the conflict is
rooted in White supremacy and antisemitism in Europe, and I have
a part to play in that on an ancestral level. Palestinians are
paying the price for the sins of Europe.
In many of the sources I've read, which try and justify Israel’s
position, there is reference to God having promised Jewish
people the lands that are modern day Palestine; and in reading
that I’m reminded about the horrors of the patriarchal Abrahamic
religions, which have caused so much harm on this planet. So
many misguided humnas follow the word of the mountain god
Yahweh, the god of the so-called Holy Bible whose ego got out of
hand, whose glory and divinity flows through the Kings and
patriarchs of the world, who bring him their flesh offerings in
the form of mass genocide, rape, paedophilia, and slavery. On
the other side, there are Islamic extremists who justify their
own violence against innocent civilians and their own people
because of religious beliefs about the glory of Allah and
I’ll be over here honouring the Sabbaths, planting seeds for a
new world and sending vibes over to the innocents who are
suffering so deeply. And being real about how the lands that I
live on were colonized and the ongoing genocide against the
Indigenous people of these lands.
Thanks to the inspiration of Adrienne Maree Brown, I'm not
closing my eyes, and I’m working through the numbness and
disconnect that happens when I get overwhelmed. I’m staying
strong, staying active and keeping my tears flowing. I’m also
doing meditation for peace and taking breaks when needed. I
realized that I was bombarding myself with too many traumatic
images every day, so I followed a bunch of music and art
accounts on Instagram* now, and some cheesy 80’s retro accounts
and memes, so I’m not only getting political stuff when I go on
I was also feeling quite isolated in my activism, which is easy
to do in Lekwungen / so-called Victoria where people are so
fucking stuck up and cliquey, but today I felt a rush of
resonance with the growing global movement and was appreciating
how huge it is. And I know that even if Israel thinks that
they’ve won that they’ll never crush the spirit of the
Palestinian people. Eventually there will be justice and
reclamation. And that goes for so many other power imbalances of
the world. Eventually these old men wars will stop and we’ll
rebuild a new world out of the literal ashes of the old one.
It’s a fucked up thing to be a witness to a literal apocalypse.
And it’s even stranger to be living in so much comfort. Yet I
feel the responsibility of that, because: no one is free until
everyone is free. The fun that we’re having in the West will
only ever feel empty and superficial until we start working for
the emancipation of all of humanity, and recognize that so much
of what we have requires so many people to have nothing; because
at the end of the day, it’s less about religion and holy wars,
and more about money, land, and resources.
When I went to a pow wow last summer with some old friends, I
asked them what was the single most important thing that needs
to happen for Indigenous people to be honoured and the answer
was: Landback. Same goes for Palestine.
What does that look like? Does that mean that I should give my
family home to an Indigenous family when my parents die? I
personally would be willing to do that, but I don’t know if my 3
brother who will also inherit the home would be. Also, the house
might get sold before that’s even a question. So I don’t have
much power there. But what I do have power over is pressuring
the government, corporations and other influential people to
take action in regards to honouring Indigenous land rights and
sovereignty. That should involve giving a lot of land back, and
should include fully honouring UNDRIP, the 94 calls to action in
the Truth and Reconciliation Report, and the 231 calls to
Justice of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Inquiry. Communities should also be given the funding that they
need to thrive so that they can make informed decisions about
whether to involve themselves in harmful environmental projects
like the Site C Damn and the Kinder Morgan Pipeline.
“When you hear the words decolonization, white supremacy,
patriarchy or even racism, do you feel something? Do you get a
chill down your back, randomly start crossing your arms, get
tense all over your body, or even just feel an urge to resist?
Well good! When your body is cold it shivers, when it’s hungry
it growls, when it’s in fear it shakes and when it’s sad it
cries. Your body is meant to respond, whether that be physical
or emotional, and it’s the same when deconstructing what you’ve
been taught. It tells you that something is there and that you
must go through it and find ways to process it.” – Kris Archie,
Executive Director of the Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal
The more we confront the aspects of so-called Canada that mirror
Israel and other oppressive regimes of the world, the closer we
can get to justice for Indigenous people on these lands, and
truly begin healing. We can’t expect Indigenous people to
babysit us through this process, though the more that each
person learns, the more they can hold space for other
non-Indigenous people to go through their own deep processing
and be accountable and empowered supporters.
* I know I talked before about going off of all social media,
and I did for a few years, but I had to set up an account for
work and started follow political accounts. I left that job and
now I feel torn because I don't want to support Meta in any way,
yet I see what a powerful tool social media can be for social