Last night I went to a candlelight vigil put on by BC Health
Workers to honour the more than 400 health care workers and
medical students who have been massacred in Palestine since
Israel amped up their military actions in October.
Interestingly, I recently watched John Oliver's report on the
situation (from several months ago) and he explored the
corruption within the governmental systems of both Palestine
and so-called Israel, and Netanyahu was actually encouraging
Hamas to continue radicalizing and was covertly funding them,
knowing that they would act out at some point. And that this
could be used to justify further acts of extremism on the part
of Israel. I’ve seen footage of people in so-called Israel
gathering together and screaming excitedly about the prospect
of fully inhabiting the lands that they feel entitled to
wholly inhabit.
Israel’s government knew that the Oct. 7 attacks were coming
and did nothing to stop them, putting their own people at risk
and willfully antagonizing an already dire and tense situation
into a full blown war/genocide. They have even killed their
own people who were taken as hostages. The brutality of what’s
happening in beyond horrific, and you can see for yourself by
following some of the accounts listed here:
It’s not so simple, however, to say that Israelis are
European. And being that I have a lot of Germanic ancestry I
have to keep reminding myself that antisemitism, the
Holocaust and the dispossession of Jewish people is the root
cause of this conflict. This also brings up a lot of
questions about what is means to be Jewish and that's a very
complex topic, one that I’ve been exploring myself, as I
recently found out that we have some Ashkenazi Jewish DNA in
our family - though I have yet to find any cultural or kin
connections. Nonetheless, many people who identify as Jewish
are ethnically European yet culturally Jewish. And some
people who identify as Jewish are mostly Sheppardic Jews and
have genetic ties to the lands now known as Palestine. Yet
modern day Palestinians have ties to those lands that go
back to Neolithic times, and modern day Jewish people have
very little connection to the ecosystems of the desert, and
have operated like colonizers during their 75 year reign of
terror and displacement.
I have a renewed sense of responsibility, and even though it
feels like I’m doing nothing, I’m realizing that all of the
phone calls, emails, petitions, social media messages etc.
are having an impact, because the global consciousness is
shifting. People are becoming more aware of what’s
happening, and the deeply embedded systems of oppression
that are engineering this and other terrible massacres, are
starting to disintegrate.
I would never ask this of anyone who has been directly
impacted, yet for myself I’m holding the space of
understanding the pain that is driving Zionists to behave
the way that they’re behaving. That understanding in in my
blood, and the responsibility of healing and accountability
is also in my blood. I don’t know how to carry all of that
and I fear that I’ll be a witness to a lot more pain and
suffering before there’s a chance to explore the nuances of
a healed and reconciled world. Yet as I get deeper into
activism, and also following the words of a Palestinian man
who spoke at the vigil last night, I’m realizing that being
in a place of privilege I’m not meant to stay in the gutter
with those who are suffering. I’m meant to engage with the
power systems that I live under and support those people
“like a lawyer” as the man put it. This will be a big shift
for me, and I know that I won’t be able to fully inhabit
that space, as I’ll always have spiritual and emotional
realities that need to be tended to. But I’m refocusing and
maturing myself in some big ways, because a lot of how I’ve
been responding to the world around me has been reactive and
a little bit bratty, like screaming at cops on the front
lines, or doing things for shock value.
I’m starting to see the world through a wider lense and I’m
connecting to an energy field that is bigger than all of the
corruption. I’ve been watching interviews with the Siberian
shaman SnowRaven and listening to other podcasts about
shamanism, and learning how I can stay grounded and
connected to the forces of nature rather than the
technological matrix.
The old worlds will fall, the power systems that hold it in
place will be dismantled, and a new world will rise.
Threads are being cast out from the spider belly of this new
web of life. If you feel lost in the dark hold out your hand
and start weaving a new reality. Hold those who are
suffering the most in this new belly and make space for them
to live.