June 19 2024

I was walking along a side path in Lekwungen the other week and went through an area bedecked in graffiti. I saw some scrawl upon a wall that read “Hamas rapes women and kills gays.” And one of the most commonly asked questions in response to the pro-Palestine movement is "What about Hamas?”

For the record, I fucking hate Hamas. The massacres that happened on October 7th were horrifying, and although the claim of 40 babies being beheaded was pure propaganda*, it seems very likely that women were raped, either by Hamas or other militants who were involved in the attacks, and I don’t condone the harming of innocent civilians. However, I understand how Hamas came to be, and according to very reliable sources, including John Oliver, Hamas were funded by and encouraged to continue by the right-wing government of Israel in order to further their radical agenda. It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it isn’t. Even within Israel many people questioned as to why their government did nothing to stop the attack when they had reliable intelligence indicating that violence was on the horizon.

Hamas grew in popularity as a direct result of Israeli aggression, out of desperation to resist Israeli occupation, which in the course of 76 years has displaced, murdered, incarcerated, raped and beaten millions of Palestinians; depleted aquifers, uprooted close to a million olive trees (many of which were centuries old), bulldozed homes, destroyed farms and dehumanized Palestinian people to the point of treating them like insects to be eradicated.

Israel is a colonial project and Israel aids America and the West in subjugating the greater Arabic world in order to maintain hegemony over land and resources. Israel is now the fourth largest military in the world (think about that for second in relation to the size of their occupied territories).

What's really sad is that Palestinians and Israelis have more in common genetically and historically than they do with anyone else.

Had Israelis harmonized with Palestinians, re-Indigenized themselves to the lands, and mutually resisted America and the West - then they might be able to claim Indigeneity. But the way they have behaved has been like White colonizers, and now they’re re-enacting the cycles of abuse that have played out against them for thousands of years in Europe. 

As a person with European (mostly Germanic) ancestry who lives in a developed country (so-called Canada) with access to housing, clean water, healthy food and fresh air, I am a part of this conflict just by existing. White / Western supremacy is at the core of what's playing out, and I falter in how I can be a part of dismantling the oppression that I'm embedded in, but I at least want to acknowledge the place of White European supremacy in this conflict, because I think it's often overlooked.

And when America tries to say that they’re involving themselves in foreign politics in order to protect democracy, that is a lie. America, Britain and other Western powers do not care about democracy. They care about land and resources. The CIA coup in Iran is a really good example of this, as Iran had a democracy, and in 1953 America and Britain were involved in overthrowing that democratic government in order to protect their oil interests.

And while it’s true that groups like Hamas and Isis do scary fucked up shit, America and the West are 1000 times worst. We are the real global terrorists; crippling the governments, social systems and ecosystems of any country that we see fit.

I think it’s important to recognize the reality of how power is played out in the world, and acknowledge our place within the ongoing genocides that are taking place.

I’m writing all of this out for myself as much as anyone who might stumble upon this piece of writing because last week when 4 hostages were rescued in a mission that killed over 200 Palestinians, I re-watched some footage of the October 7th attack, and it was terrifying. I thought, How can I keep supporting the pro-Palestine movement? It felt wrong, and I removed the Palestine pin off of the back of my bag and took a step back.

But then several days later I read an article published by the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and I was reminded of the bigger picture, and the scale of suffering that's happening. I went back and read statements by Gabor Mate. I thought about how I would feel if I were a Palestinian person on the ground, growing up in the midst of all of the destruction and bloodletting. Would I support Hamas? If I saw my community get bulldozed, bodies left to rot under the rubble, humanitarian aid blocked, friends getting murdered in front of my eyes by sniper rifles - I might see Hamas as my only option.

I don’t want Hamas to be the only option for Palestinians. And the only way that will ever be possible is if they are free.

Resisting oppression isn’t terrorism. But orchestrating and enabling genocide is.

When the first major conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out in 2014 there were instances of pro-Ukrainian groups abducting, torturing and executing Russians and pro-Russian separatists. The Ukrainian resistance was responsible for thousands of murders, including innocent civilians. Yet in the West we understand that Russia is the primary aggressor, and we support the liberation of Ukraine. Imagine if China had given billions and billions of dollars to Russia in order to suppress Ukraine and that Ukraine had zero support from America and the rest of the West. Would we think that was justified?

If the British had indiscriminately massacred 40,000 Irish people, mainly women and children, in response to the IRA’s armed resistance and bombings, would we think that was justified?

Why is it okay in Palestine? Why did the world only start looking at Palestine after October 7th? There were many other instances where thousands of Palestinians were massacred, abducted, raped and displaced, but the international community took no action.

It’s really fucked up to sit here in my place of comfort and security where I get to sip dandelion tea and make judgments about situations that are happening a world away from me. But the footage doesn’t lie. I’ve been watching live from Palestine since last year and what’s happening is atrocious. It’s a level of brutality and heartlessness that's left me grieving helplessly, and brought me to the brink of suicide. And I’m just looking at it on a digitized screen. To have this be your every day reality, like the medical staff dealing with dismemberment, shattered bones, starving babies, burns, severe trauma, and lack of adequate medical supplies and anaesthesia, would be soul shattering. And in the process of trying to help the wounded, hundreds of medical professionals have been killed. Remember when Israel began their bombing campaign and they claimed that they had "accidentally" bombed a hospital?

Now they have bombed nearly every hospital in occupied Palestine.

800 people were killed last week.

So even though I’m a heathen, and wouldn't be accepted in most Islamic societies, I still support Palestine. And though it’s true that homosexuality isn’t broadly accepted within Palestine, the situation is more complex than is being sensationalized**; and I know that acts of discrimination and violence would happen less if Palestinians were free. Societies can’t develop socially when they don’t have the resources that they need to sustain themselves and when they're living under constant oppression. It wasn’t too long ago that gay people were routinely beaten and murdered in North America where I grew up, and it’s on account of having security, freedom and education that we're progressing in that regard.

Palestinians need a homeland where they can flourish. Not an open air prison.

But I can't wipe away the Israeli perspective completely, because they never had a home in Europe.

I wrote a blog a little while ago exploring the darker aspects of my own ancestry and I've linked it below. Feel free to judge me and leave comments. I don't know how to get out of this mess, but I know that blitzkrieging Palestine isn't the answer..

The Darkness of the Germanic Soul (March 6 2024)

More blogs on Palestine:
January 2 2024
January 9 2024
February 17 2024

Cease Fire Now

* Unverified Allegations

** LGBTQ Rights in the State of Palestine

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